
Surgical oncology

We provide effective oncological surgery.
Guarantee for the result

When oncological surgery is required


Oncology is a branch of clinical medicine whose main task is to identify and eliminate related pathological conditions, in particular, tumors and their metastases of various localizations that have led to a significant impairment of vital functions.

Severe complications of tumors and their metastases. Сritical conditions that accompany tumor diseases – bleeding (may develop as a result of tumor damage to the integrity of the blood vessel wall), tumor decay (which may result in infection, circulatory disorders, bleeding, tumor spread, toxic effects on the nervous system, etc.), severe complications of tumors and their metastases, etc.

Surgical intervention for neoplasms (tumors) involves providing surgical care to the patient and physical removal of the causative tumor during surgery, surgical treatment of acute conditions that accompany oncological pathology and cause a critical condition.

Timely and properly provided emergency medical care allows patients to return to normal life and maintain or restore its quality.

At the Valikhnovski Surgery Institute, we specialize in addressing a variety of issues, including: Get acquainted
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  • пухлина стравоходу
  • рак стравоходу
  • пухлина шлунку
  • рак шлунку
  • пухлина дванадцятипалої кишки
  • пухлина підшлункової залози
  • рак підшлункової залози
  • рак печінки первинний
  • аденома печінки
  • гемангіома печінки
  • кіста печінки різної етіології
  • фокальна нодулярна гіперплазія печінки
  • внутрішньопечінкова холангіокарцинома
  • поліп жовчного міхура
  • рак жовчного міхура
  • механічна жовтяниця
  • пухлина тонкої кишки
  • холангіокарцинома конфлюенса жовчних протоків (захворювання Клацкіна)
  • рак тонкої кишки
  • пухлина товстого кишечника
  • рак товстої кишки
  • передпухлинні захворювання товстого кишечника (дивертикули, поліпи, ворсинчасті пухлини, дифузний сімейний поліпоз, хвороба Крона, неспецифічний виразковий коліт тощо)
  • колоректальний рак
  • пухлина прямої кишки
  • рак прямої кишки
  • гастроінтестінальна стромальна пухлина
  • заочеревинна саркома
  • заочеревинна неорганна пухлина
  • заочеревинні неорганні пухлини та рецидивні пухлини малого тазу, які потребують втручань на магістральних судинах
  • нейроендокринні пухлини
  • пухлина наднирників
  • дисплазія шийки матки
  • рак шийки матки 
  • рак тіла матки
  • кіста яєчників
  • рак яєчників
  • пухлина малого тазу 
  • метастаз
  • синхронні та метахронні метастази колоректального раку в печінку
  • метастатичні ураження печінки різної причини
  • ендометріоз

If needed, our doctors provide consultations not only in Ukraine but also worldwide, both at our clinic in Kyiv and online through prior appointments. Comprehensive diagnostics, treatment, and prevention are offered.

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  • 25

    Years of experience

  • 511262


  • 850

    A modern clinic in the center

  • 13216

    Successful operations

  • 52

    Unique surgical techniques

  • 28

    Branch of surgery

  • 43

    Units of the latest equipment

  • 30 %

    Charitable surgical assistance


Consultation and examination concerning oncological surgery

You should promptly consult regarding oncological surgery if you experience the following symptoms:

  • rapid weight loss
  • feeling of fatigue and weakness
  • difficulty swallowing food
  • aversion to protein foods
  • stool disorders
  • body temperature is slightly elevated
  • changes in the frequency and consistency of urination
  • appearance of solid formations under the skin or in organs
  • persistent pain in any part of the body, including the neck
  • Changes in eating habits, digestion and bowel movements
  • persistent cough and hoarseness for no apparent reason during the year
  • swelling and bruising after bruises that do not go away for a long time
  • bleeding or unusual discharge from different parts of the body
  • changes in the appearance of the skin and mucous membranes, including changes in warts, moles, the appearance of new growths, spots or non-healing wounds, especially in the oral cavity
  • sharp pain of various localization
  • bleeding from the tumor site
  • increasing inflammation in the tumor area
  • rapid and significant impairment of the nervous system (movement, sensitivity, consciousness, etc.)
  • respiratory disorders (shortness of breath, new breathing noises, etc.)
  • heart disorders (rhythm disturbances, significant prolonged heart palpitations, etc.)
  • anemia
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An consultation in oncological surgery includes:

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interview (the doctor asks about complaints, learns about medical history and life);

external clinical assessment (the patient will be thoroughly examined, palpated, all altered areas and the condition of each organ system will be examined)

laboratory examination (both general clinical tests and special tests);

instrumental examination (to determine both the general condition of the body and those areas where changes have developed);

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Find out the cost of services or get a consultation by filling out the form


    Main methods of oncological surgery

    Oncological surgery include a variety of procedures such as: Get acquainted
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    • oncologist consultation
    • consultation with an oncologist
    • consultation with a hematologist
    • consultation with a chemotherapist
    • consultation with a radiation therapist
    • consultation of a pathologist
    • consultation of a doctor of a related specialty (oncogynecologist, onco-orthopedist, etc.)
    • oncoscreening (tumor screening, cancer screening)
    • ultrasound examination (ultrasound)
    • compression elastography
    • radiography
    • mammography
    • computer tomography (CT)
    • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    • diagnostic endoscopy with biopsy 
    • diagnostic laparoscopy with biopsy 
    • diagnostic laparotomy with biopsy 
    • scraping (smear-print) of a neoplasm
    • diagnostics of effusion fluids
    • soft tissue biopsy
    • trepan biopsy of bone marrow
    • histomorphological examination of biopsy material
    • cytomorphological examination of biopsy material
    • histochemical examination of biopsy material
    • immunohistochemical examination of biopsy material
    • cytogenetic examination of biopsy material
    • oncological surgery of the 1st category of complexity
    • oncological surgery of the 2nd category of complexity
    • oncological surgery of the 3rd category of complexity
    • laparoscopic adrenalectomy
    • removal of tumors
    • mastectomy with lymphadissection
    • lymphadissection
    • lumpectomy
    • removal of a tumor of the mesentery of the small intestine
    • laparoscopic distal subtotal resection of the stomach
    • laparoscopic proximal subtotal resection of the stomach
    • laparoscopic partial gastric resection
    • laparoscopic subtotal gastric resection
    • laparoscopic gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy
    • laparoscopic gastrojejunostomy 
    • removal of retroperitoneal tumor
    • resection of the small intestine
    • combined radical surgery for advanced small intestine tumor
    • palliative combined surgery for advanced small intestine tumor
    • application of a two-barrel small intestine stoma
    • right-sided hemicolectomy with lymphadenectomy
    • left-sided hemicolectomy with lymphadenectomy
    • resection of the sigmoid colon with lymphadenectomy
    • resection of the lumbosacral colon with lymphadenectomy
    • anatomical resection of the liver segment 
    • resection of the anterior rectum 
    • anterior and low anterior rectal resection
    • abdominopelvic rectal extirpation 
    • Hartmann's operation
    • palliative abdominopelvic rectal extirpation
    • distal resection of the pancreas
    • wide skin excision without defect plastic surgery
    • wide skin excision with defect plastic surgery
    • wide skin excision with regional lymphadenectomy
    • wide skin excision with regional lymph dissection and plastic surgery of the skin defect
    • removal of the primary focus on the skin and distant metastases with regional lymphadissection
    • tumorectomy on the mammary gland
    • lumpectomy
    • sectoral resection
    • hemimastectomy with lymphadenectomy with metastases in regional lymph nodes
    • radical unilateral mastectomy
    • subcutaneous mastectomy with one-stage reconstruction with an implant
    • subcutaneous mastectomy with one-stage reconstruction with autologous tissues
    • lymphadissection for oncopathology of the breast
    • radio wave cervical conization
    • type 2 pangisterectomy
    • type 2 pangysterectomy with pelvic lift dissection, resection of the large cap, peritoneal flushing
    • type 3 pangisterectomy
    • hysterectomy with endometrial ablation
    • trachelectomy
    • excision of a vulvar tumor
    • radical vulvectomy 
    • extended vulvectomy with inguinal-femoral lymphadissection
    • vulvectomy combined with resection of adjacent organs and inguinal-femoral lymphadissection
    • unilateral adnexectomy, resection of the contralateral ovary with intraoperative pathological examination, omentectomy
    • extirpation of the uterus with appendages and resection of the large cap, lymph node biopsy 
    • peritoneal washings
    • cytoreduction - extirpation or supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages, omentectomy, removal of all tumor foci, if possible: in the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space, lymph nodes 
    • transurethral resection (TUR) of the prostate (prostate gland)
    • unilateral orchiectomy
    • bilateral orchiectomy
    • laparoscopic kidney resection 
    • laparotomy kidney resection
    • bladder resection with ureterocystoneostomy and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy
    • radical cystectomy with bilateral ureterocutaneostomy
    • radical cystectomy with the formation of a small bowel conduit (according to Studer)
    • radical cystectomy with orthotopic intestinal reconstruction of the bladder (according to Bricker)
    • hemithyroidectomy 
    • thyroidectomy with case-fascial lymphadissection (Kreil operation)
    • radical unilateral mastectomy 
    • revision, sanitation and drainage of purulent cavities with necrectomy
    Preparation for oncological surgery operations follows general principles for interventions: Get acquainted
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    in case of taking any medications, inform the doctor and agree with him/her (it may be necessary to limit them or change the dosage, regimen)

    for several days before the operation, follow a sparing diet, water and drinking regimen; if you have constipation, take laxatives, use enemas and do not drink alcoholic beverages - so that the body reacts more adequately and predictably to anesthesia and other drugs

    refrain from eating for 6-12 hours before the surgery, and 2-4 hours before the surgery do not drink, chew gum, smoke - to protect against the ingestion of stomach contents into the respiratory system during anesthesia

    on the day of surgery, take a shower, cleanse the intestines with an enema to prevent spontaneous passage of feces during anesthesia due to sphincter relaxation

    immediately before the operation –

    - removable objects (piercing jewelry, dentures) are removed from the mouth and face so that they do not accidentally get into the respiratory system or interfere with the surgical intervention during the operation
    - remove other items (contact lenses, hearing aids, jewelry.) to prevent accidental injury to the body and to prevent them from getting damaged
    - remove cosmetics (makeup, nail polish, false nails) from the body to facilitate visual assessment of the body's condition and automated registration with medical equipment
    - empty the bladder and, if necessary, the intestines to prevent spontaneous bowel movements during anesthesia
    - change into special clothes provided by the clinic.

    other preparatory measures can be taken in addition, taking into account individual characteristics of the body and the specifics of the surgical intervention

    How the oncological surgery is performed


    The main stages:

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    • 1
      The patient is either brought to the operating room on a gurney

      or escorted on foot. At the gateway, they put on a medical cap and shoe covers (to protect against microorganisms in the air of the operating room).

    • 2
      Surgical operations are performed

      by an operating team of a certain composition, taking into account the specifics of each operation.

    • 3
      The patient is placed on the operating table

      (depending on the specifics of the operation, the body position may differ), and fixed to it with special straps to prevent accidental involuntary movements that would interfere with the operation, as well as to prevent accidental falling of the body from the table.

    • 4
      The nurse anesthetist

      punctures a vein in the arm, installs a catheter to administer the necessary drugs, places electrodes on the body to monitor the electrical activity of the heart, puts a blood pressure cuff on the shoulder and a sensor on the finger to determine the oxygen content in the blood. All this is necessary for continuous monitoring of the body's condition during anesthesia and surgery.

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      The further course of the operation depends on the specific task,

      the area of the body where the intervention is performed, and the specifics of the chosen surgical tactics, technique, etc.



    Postoperative period and rehabilitation

    After the operation, the patient wakes up in the ward for postoperative observation. If necessary, oxygen may be administered through a thin tube to ensure that the body has enough oxygen. The nurse will carefully monitor the patient’s condition and, if necessary, use medications agreed with the doctor.

    Before returning home, the doctor will examine the postoperative sutures, agree on the tactics of further rehabilitation, and give additional advice.

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    Find out the cost of services or get a consultation by filling out the form


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      Oleksiy Sukhanov

      Journalist, radio presenter, TV presenter. Host of the talk show "Ukraine Speaks" on the "UKRAINE" TV channel.

      Andrii Danylevich

      Journalist, presenter of the programs "Applies to everyone", "Coolest of all" on the "INTER" TV channel.

      Gennady Fuzailov

      A pediatrician and anesthesiologist, he works at the Shriners Hospitals for Children Boston clinic, which belongs to Harvard University. Is a leader in the field of children's medicine.

      Larisa Dyatlyuk

      Participant of the project "I am ashamed of my body" TV channel "STB".


      What does an oncosurgeon treat?

      An oncosurgeon deals with the surgical treatment of tumor diseases, which includes removing tumors, performing biopsies for diagnosis, reconstructive surgery after tumor removal, palliative surgery to relieve symptoms in cases of incurable cancer, and preventive surgery for high risk of developing cancer. The oncosurgeon also collaborates with oncologists, radiologists, chemotherapists, and other specialists for a comprehensive approach to treatment and provides advice and support to patients on treatment options and recovery strategies. The specialist can not only restore the functionality lost due to a pathological condition, but also recreate the appearance.

      What are the symptoms to visit an oncologist?

      A visit to an oncologist is recommended in case of the following symptoms Rapid weight loss, feeling of constant fatigue and weakness, problems with swallowing, slightly elevated body temperature, changes in the frequency and consistency of urination, the appearance of hard masses under the skin or inside organs, persistent pain in any part of the body, changes in eating habits, digestion and bowel movements, prolonged cough and hoarseness for no apparent reason swelling and bruising that does not go away for a long time, bleeding or unusual discharge from different parts of the body, changes in the skin and mucous membranes, including new growths, spots or wounds that do not heal, sharp pain of various localizations, bleeding from the tumor site, increasing inflammation around the tumor, rapid dysfunction of the nervous system, breathing and heart problems. These symptoms may indicate a possible cancer that requires timely diagnosis and surgical treatment.

      What are the symptoms of a malignant cancer tumor?

      Common signs of malignancy of tumors are: loss of functions of cells that they performed before; unrestrained growth and spread to surrounding tissues, as well as with the flow of lymph and blood – throughout the body (metastasis), dysfunction of the original organ, and others. If tumors are localized on the head and neck, this is especially dangerous due to the close proximity of the brain, whose tumor lesion is life-threatening.

      Is there a guarantee for oncological surgery?

      The warranty for surgical treatment of oncological diseases covers implants and other medical consumables and equipment. It guarantees the provision of surgical treatment services in accordance with modern medical advances, the high level of qualification of the clinic’s specialists and the technical equipment of the clinic. The final clinical effect is influenced by many factors that depend not only on the doctor and the clinic, such as individual characteristics of the body, lifestyle, environmental circumstances, and stress factors.

      How to prepare for oncosurgery and what are the possible complications?

      Preparation for oncological surgery includes a preliminary examination and consultation with a surgeon, a comprehensive examination with photo and video analysis of appearance, anthropometry, consultation with related specialists (if necessary), etc. Immediately before surgery, the principles of preparation do not differ significantly from those generally accepted in surgery.

      Possible complications after oncosurgical operations include general surgical complications (bleeding and thrombosis, infectious and inflammatory conditions) and more specific to this particular area (postoperative defects, recurrence, etc.). Careful preparation for the operation, highly qualified experienced medical staff, modern high-tech equipment and coordinated work of the team of doctors and other clinic staff minimize the risks of complications.

      What are the contraindications for oncological surgery?

      Contraindications to oncological surgery are conditions whose severity critically increases the risks of surgical treatment, such as infectious, mental, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

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      Find out the cost of services or get a consultation by filling out the form
