
ENT surgery

We provide effective ENT surgery.
Guarantee for the result

When ENT surgery is required


The issue of ENT surgical treatment arises in case of pathologies of the ear, throat, and nose that cannot be cured without surgery. Modern ENT surgery is performed mainly with the help of special endoscopic (endon – inside, scopeo – looking) equipment that allows the surgeon to see everything from inside the surgical instrument and perform a gentle operation through natural and, if necessary, additional openings.

ENT surgery is usually performed using specialized instruments and technologies with the use of various instrumental and laboratory tests as needed. This allows the doctor to accurately determine the nature of the disorder and provide appropriate medical care. Special equipment allows for medical interventions with minimal damage to surrounding tissues.

In particular, such reconstructive plastic surgeries are performed as rhinoplasty (rhinos – nose, plastika – to form) – a surgical operation that changes the shape, proportions, and size of the nose; it is also called “nose surgery”; septoplasty – a surgical operation on the nasal septum, which is important in the treatment of snoring, prolonged runny nose, and heart and vascular diseases caused by oxygen deprivation due to respiratory disorders.

Timely and proper ENT surgical care allows patients to return to normal life and maintain or restore its quality.

At the Valikhnovski Surgery Institute, we specialize in addressing a variety of issues, including: Get acquainted
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  • curvature of the nose
  • curvature of the nasal membrane
  • chronic epimesotympanitis (inflammation in the area of the eardrum)
  • scleroma of the upper respiratory tract (chronic infectious lesion of the inner layer of the mucous membrane)
  • neoplasms of the pharynx (the place where the oral cavity passes into the pharynx)
  • neoplasms of the soft palate (the back of the palate, which hangs over the base of the tongue and separates the oral cavity from the pharynx)
  • atheroma of the auricle, earlobes (swollen sebaceous gland, "fatty")
  • choanal polyp (neoplasm in the area of internal nasal openings)
  • laryngeal cyst (a neoplasm in the form of a capsule filled with mucus, dead cells, etc.)
  • preauricular fistula (a canal (fistula) located in front of the auricle - a congenital defect)
  • fistula of the nasal dorsum (a canal (fistula) located on the back of the nose - a birth defect)
  • pustular diseases of the nose (furuncle, carbuncle, sycosis, folliculitis, etc.)
  • pustular diseases of the external auditory canal (furuncle, etc.)
  • hematoma of the nasal septum or auricle (accumulation of blood between tissue layers)
  • exostosis (non-tumorous bone or bone and cartilage growth on the bone surface)
  • osteoma (tumor of bone tissue)
  • paratonsillar abscess ("pustule" around the tonsils)
  • cicatricial fusion of the pharynx (narrowing of the pharyngeal lumen due to the formation of scars on its walls)
  • intracranial otogenic complications of labyrinthitis (complications inside the skull due to the spread of inflammation from the labyrinth - the membranous and nerve structures of the inner ear)
  • eustachitis (inflammation of the auditory (eustachian) tube)
  • gaping auditory tube (dysfunction of the auditory tube, tubal dysfunction) - a condition in which it is either too long or constantly open
  • tubotympanic otitis media (middle ear disease with impaired eardrum integrity)
  • epitympano-antral otitis media with purulence (ear disease with bone destruction, damage to the auditory bones and pus leakage)
  • perichondritis (inflammation of the perichondrium - the membrane that covers the cartilage)
  • Meniere's disease (a non-inflammatory disease of the inner ear with impaired vestibular apparatus (determination of body position in space), impaired perception of sounds up to deafness)
  • foreign body in the larynx
  • secretory otitis media (an inflammatory disease of the auditory tube and middle ear with the accumulation of exudate - inflammatory fluid)

If needed, our doctors provide consultations not only in Ukraine but also worldwide, both at our clinic in Kyiv and online through prior appointments. Comprehensive diagnostics, treatment, and prevention are offered.

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  • 25

    Years of experience

  • 511262


  • 850

    A modern clinic in the center

  • 13216

    Successful operations

  • 52

    Unique surgical techniques

  • 28

    Branch of surgery

  • 43

    Units of the latest equipment

  • 30 %

    Charitable surgical assistance


Consultation and examination concerning ENT surgery

You should promptly consult regarding ENT surgery if you experience the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose
  • nasal injury
  • disadvantages of previous operations
  • problems with sleep (due to snoring)
  • dissatisfaction with the size and shape of the nose
  • frequent sinus infections – if you have frequent sinus infections, it may be due to a curvature of the nasal septum that prevents normal drainage
  • chronic runny nose – if your nose is constantly stuffy and the condition does not improve with the use of common medications, it may be a sign of a deviated septum
  • nosebleeds – if you often have nosebleeds, it may be due to a deviated septum
  • pain in the face – may be associated with deformation of the structures adjacent to the deviated septum
  • snoring during sleep – one of the reasons for this may be a curvature of the nasal septum
  • frequent or chronic inflammation of the ears, throat or nose
  • polyps in the nose or throat
  • severe or chronic pain in the area of the ears, throat or nose
  • significant hearing loss
  • nosebleeds that do not stop
  • fractures of the bones of the face or nose
  • improper development or deformation of the structures of the ear, nose or throat
  • appearance of neoplasms in the auricle, nose or throat
  • apnea during sleep
  • delayed speech development in children due to hearing problems
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Consultation in ENT surgery includes:

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interview (the doctor asks about complaints, learns about medical history and life);

external clinical assessment (the patient will be thoroughly examined, palpated, all altered areas and the condition of each organ system will be examined)

laboratory examination (both general clinical tests and special tests);

instrumental examination (to determine both the general condition of the body and those areas where changes have developed);

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    Main methods of ENT surgery

    ENT surgery include a variety of procedures such as: Get acquainted
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    • closed rhinoplasty (septoplasty) is the most common type of surgery, during which the surgeon makes incisions inside the nose to access its structures
    • open rhinoplasty (septoplasty) is a less common type of surgery, during which the surgeon makes an incision on the outside of the nose to gain access to its structures
    • classical rhinoplasty (septoplasty) - the surgeon uses conventional mechanical instruments to perform the operation
    • endoscopic rhinoplasty (septoplasty) - the doctor uses special optical equipment (endoscope), which allows the operation to be performed with less damage to the surface tissues
    • piezorhinoplasty (piezo-ultrasonic plastic surgery, piezorhinosculpture) - the use of a special ultrasonic piezoelectric knife (Woodpecker Surgic Smart ultrasonic piezoelectric scaler) allows you to act mainly on hard tissues (bones, cartilage) and not damage delicate adjacent soft tissues
    • abscessonsillectomy by the classical method (removal of the tonsils together with the inflammatory focus with clear boundaries, filled with purulent contents)
    • abscessonsillectomy by coblation method (removal of tonsils together with the inflammatory focus with clear boundaries, filled with purulent contents using the so-called coblation, cold plasma method, when using special equipment, an electric current in a salt solution forms plasma, from which a focused clot is formed - and only pathological tissues are filigree treated, since the depth of plasma action does not exceed a millimeter)
    • adenotomy by coblation method (removal of ENT adenoids by coblation, cold plasma method, in which, using special equipment, an electric current in a salt solution forms a plasma from which a focused clot is formed - and only pathological tissues are filigree treated, since the depth of plasma action does not exceed a millimeter)
    • adenotomy by the shaver method (removal of ENT adenoids by the method of surface cutting, from the English shave - to shave, for which a special tool is used: a microtome, a microdebrider, which has a cutter, a small rotating tip)
    • adetonomy by the classical method (removal of adenoids of ENT organs by classical surgery)
    • attico-anthrotomy (or attico-anthrotomy is a surgical operation in which the supra-drum space, the cavity of the mastoid process of the skull are opened and pathologically altered tissues are removed)
    • anthromastoidectomy for chronic epimezotympanitis (a surgical operation in which the cavity of the mastoid process of the skull is opened and pathologically altered tissues are removed - in case of inflammatory disease of the tympanic membrane and middle ear, in the so-called supra-ear space)
    • bougie in case of upper respiratory tract sclerosis (widening of the airway lumen with the help of a special tool in patients with sclerosis - dense formations in the walls of the airways that interfere with breathing)
    • vasotomy of the lower nasal concha by hardware method (an operation that dissects the vessels between the mucous membrane and periosteum, reduces the thickness of the lower nasal concha - and facilitates breathing, is performed using special hardware equipment)
    • surgical vasotomy of the lower nasal concha (surgery that dissects the vessels between the mucous membrane and periosteum, reduces the thickness of the lower nasal concha and facilitates breathing, is performed using the classical surgical method)
    • removal (extirpation) of the auricle (complete removal)
    • removal of benign neoplasms of the pharynx and soft palate of the 2nd category of complexity
    • removal of benign tumors of the pharynx and soft palate of the 3rd category of complexity
    • removal of an acute atheroma in the acute stage (an acute formation in the skin due to blockage of the sebaceous gland duct, filled with a paste-like substance or own secretions, located in the behind the ear area)
    • removal of an acute earlobe atheroma (an acute formation in the skin due to blockage of the sebaceous gland duct, filled with a pasty substance or own secretions, located in the area of the earlobe)
    • removal of auricular atheroma, atheroma of the earlobe, outside the acute stage (non-acute formation in the skin due to blockage of the sebaceous gland duct, filled with a pasty substance or own secretions, located in the area of the earlobe or in the behind the ear area)
    • removal of a choanal polyp (a neoplasm located in the area of the inner nasal openings)
    • removal of a choanal polyp with maxillary sinusotomy (removal of a neoplasm located in the area of the internal nasal openings, with simultaneous surgery on the maxillary (maxillary) sinus)
    • removal of a laryngeal cyst (a rounded cavity with thin walls filled with liquid or semi-liquid contents)
    • excision of a preauricular fistula (a canal (fistula, fistula) located in front of the auricle - a congenital defect)
    • excision of a fistula of the nasal dorsum (a canal (fistula, fistula) located on the back of the nose - a congenital defect);
    • Caldwell-Luke maxillary sinus surgery (an operation in which an instrument is inserted into the maxillary sinus from the oral cavity under the upper lip)
    • bilateral tonsillectomy by the classical method (removal of both tonsils by the classical surgical method)
    • bilateral tonsillectomy by the hardware method (removal of both tonsils using special hardware equipment)
    • bilateral tonsillectomy by hardware method (partial removal of both tonsils using special hardware equipment)
    • bilateral tonsillectomy by the classical method (partial removal of both tonsils by the classical surgical method)
    • bilateral submucosal vasotomy of the middle nasal concha (surgery that dissects the vessels between the mucous membrane and periosteum, reduces the thickness of the middle nasal concha - and makes breathing easier)
    • excisional biopsy of ENT organs (with complete removal of the pathological focus and its examination)
    • endoscopic endonasal ethmoidotomy by the shaver method (surgery on the lattice bone is performed using a special endoscopic (gr. endon - inside, scopeo - looking) equipment that allows the surgeon to see everything from the inside of the surgical instrument - and through the nasal and, if necessary, additional holes to perform a gentle operation; in this version, the operation is performed using the method of surface cutting, from the English shave - to shave, for which a special tool is used microtome, microdebridger, which has a cutter, a small rotating tip)
    • endoscopic endonasal ethmoidotomy by the classical method (similar to the previous operation, but the operation is performed classically)
    • endoscopic endonasal micro maxillary sinusotomy (a gentle operation on the maxillary (maxillary) sinus, which is performed through the nose, using special video endoscopic equipment)
    • endoscopic endonasal micro maxillary sinus surgery with foreign body removal (gentle surgery on the maxillary (maxillary) sinus, which is performed through the nose, using special video endoscopic equipment, removing a foreign body)
    • endoscopic endonasal polypoietmoidotomy by the classical method (removal of tissue growths (polyps) from the sinus of the sphenoid bone with endoscopic access through the nose by the classical surgical method)
    • endoscopic endonasal polypoidectomy by the shaver method (removal of tissue growths (polyps) from the sinus of the sphenoid bone with endoscopic access through the nose using the classical surgical method)
    • endoscopic endonasal sphincterotomy
    • endoscopic endonasal sphenotomy with removal of a neoplasm, foreign body
    • endoscopic endonasal frontotomy for chronic frontitis
    • endoscopic resection of the middle nasal concha in case of their bullous change
    • endoscopic micro maxillary sinusotomy for chronic maxillary sinusitis
    • endoscopic cristotomy (spikes, septal ridges)
    • endoscopic plastic surgery of the hook-shaped process, revision of the frontal pocket (chronic maxillary sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, polypoid sinusitis)
    • endoscopic shaver conchotomy for hypertrophy, hyperplasia of the lower and middle nasal concha
    • endoscopic sphenoidotomy for sphenoiditis, chronic inflammation;
    • endoscopic bipolar coagulation for recurrent bleeding
    • endoscopic pansinusotomy for a combination of chronic polypoid frontitis, sinusitis, and ethmoiditis
    • endoscopic removal of choanal polyp
    • endoscopic rhinosacral cystomy with prosthesis placement
    • endoscopic partial resection of the nasal septum
    • endoscopic removal of suppurating Thornwald's cyst
    • endoscopic surgery on the sinus
    • ethmoidectomy by the classical method
    • ethmoidectomy by the shaver method
    • microlaryngoscopy with removal of vocal fold neoplasm
    • myringoplasty (surgery for violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane, tympanosclerosis, perforation, cholesteatoma)
    • myringoplasty with a double fascial flap
    • suprahyoid and sublingual pharyngotomy
    • conchotomy of the lower nasal concha
    • conicotomy
    • correction of the earlobe
    • laryngectomy
    • frontal lattice trepanation
    • Surgery for congenital anomalies of the respiratory system (atresia of the hoary tract, etc.)
    • Denker surgery for angiofibroma of the nasal pharynx
    • Moore's operation
    • Preising's operation
    • surgery for laryngeal papillomatosis
    • surgery for angiofibroma of the nasal pharynx
    • surgeries for bony atresia of the external auditory canal and traumatic atresia of the external auditory canal with hearing impairment
    • lateral pharyngotomy surgery (so-called Trotter's operation)
    • ossiculoplasty
    • pharyngoplasty for snoring, sleep apnea
    • anterior nasal tamponade
    • ear polypotomy by the classical method
    • polypotomy of the nose by the classical method
    • ear polypotomy by the shaver method
    • polypotomy of the nose by the shaver method
    • plastic surgery of pharyngeal defects after removal of malignant tumors of the pharynx and larynx
    • revision of purulent wound of ENT organs
    • revision of the osteomeatal complex
    • reconstructive surgery for congenital and acquired defects of the nasopharynx using the method of autoplasty of own fascia and stem cells isolated from adipose tissue
    • reduction of nasal bones in case of fracture 
    • opening of a nasal abscess
    • opening of nasal furuncle
    • opening of the external auditory canal abscess
    • opening of the external auditory canal furuncle
    • opening and drainage of hematoma of the nasal septum or auricle
    • opening and drainage of auricular hematoma
    • dilatation of the external canal due to exostosis, osteoma extraction
    • tympanopuncture, paracentesis
    • opening of paratonsillar abscess
    • classical septoplasty
    • post-traumatic septoplasty
    • endoscopic septoplasty
    • septoplasty with partial or total vasotomy
    • tympanopuncture in adults
    • unilateral tonsillectomy
    • bilateral tonsillectomy
    • tympanopuncture in children
    • tympanoplasty, myringoplasty
    • transmeatal plastic surgery (elimination of tympanic membrane defect)
    • tracheostomy
    • elimination of scar fusion of the pharynx
    • chordectomy
    • chordoarytenoidectomy
    • surgical treatment of intracranial otogenic complications, labyrinthitis
    • surgical treatment of auditory tube salpingitis
    • surgical treatment of gaping auditory tube
    • surgical treatment of tubotympanic otitis media
    • surgical treatment of epitympanic-antral otitis media with purulence
    • surgical treatment of perichondritis
    • surgical treatment of Meniere's disease
    • surgical removal of a foreign body of the larynx
    • partial resection of the larynx
    • shunting of the tympanic cavity (myringotomy) for secretory otitis media, Meniere's disease
    Preparation for ENT surgery follows general principles for surgical interventions: Get acquainted
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    in case of taking any medications, inform the doctor and agree with him/her (it may be necessary to limit them or change the dosage, regimen)

    for several days before the operation, follow a sparing diet, water and drinking regimen; if you have constipation, take laxatives, use enemas and do not drink alcoholic beverages - so that the body reacts more adequately and predictably to anesthesia and other drugs

    refrain from eating for 6-12 hours before the surgery, and 2-4 hours before the surgery do not drink, chew gum, smoke - to protect against the ingestion of stomach contents into the respiratory system during anesthesia

    on the day of surgery, take a shower, cleanse the intestines with an enema to prevent spontaneous passage of feces during anesthesia due to sphincter relaxation

    immediately before the operation –

    - removable objects (piercing jewelry, dentures) are removed from the mouth and face so that they do not accidentally get into the respiratory system or interfere with the surgical intervention during the operation
    - remove other items (contact lenses, hearing aids, jewelry.) to prevent accidental injury to the body and to prevent them from getting damaged
    - remove cosmetics (makeup, nail polish, false nails) from the body to facilitate visual assessment of the body's condition and automated registration with medical equipment
    - empty the bladder and, if necessary, the intestines to prevent spontaneous bowel movements during anesthesia
    - change into special clothes provided by the clinic.

    other preparatory measures can be taken in addition, taking into account individual characteristics of the body and the specifics of the surgical intervention

    How the ENT surgery is performed


    The main stages:

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    • 1
      The patient is either brought to the operating room

      on a gurney or escorted on foot. At the gateway, they put on a medical cap and shoe covers (to protect against microorganisms in the air of the operating room).

    • 2
      Surgical operations are performed

      by an operating team of a certain composition, taking into account the specifics of each operation.

    • 3
      The patient is placed on the operating table

      (depending on the specifics of the operation, the body position may differ), and fixed to it with special straps to prevent accidental involuntary movements that would interfere with the operation, as well as to prevent accidental falling of the body from the table.

    • 4
      The nurse anesthetist

      punctures a vein in the arm, installs a catheter to administer the necessary drugs, places electrodes on the body to monitor the electrical activity of the heart, puts a blood pressure cuff on the shoulder and a sensor on the finger to determine the oxygen content in the blood. All this is necessary for continuous monitoring of the body's condition during anesthesia and surgery.

    • 5
      The further course of the operation depends on the specific task,

      the area of the body where the intervention is performed, and the specifics of the chosen surgical tactics, technique, etc.



    Postoperative period and rehabilitation

    After the operation, the patient wakes up in the ward for postoperative observation. If necessary, oxygen may be administered through a thin tube to ensure that the body has enough oxygen. The nurse will carefully monitor the patient’s condition and, if necessary, use medications agreed with the doctor.

    Before returning home, the doctor will examine the postoperative sutures, agree on the tactics of further rehabilitation, and give additional advice.

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      Oleksiy Sukhanov

      Journalist, radio presenter, TV presenter. Host of the talk show "Ukraine Speaks" on the "UKRAINE" TV channel.

      Andrii Danylevich

      Journalist, presenter of the programs "Applies to everyone", "Coolest of all" on the "INTER" TV channel.

      Gennady Fuzailov

      A pediatrician and anesthesiologist, he works at the Shriners Hospitals for Children Boston clinic, which belongs to Harvard University. Is a leader in the field of children's medicine.

      Larisa Dyatlyuk

      Participant of the project "I am ashamed of my body" TV channel "STB".


      What does ENT surgery treat?

      ENT surgery (or surgical otorhinolaryngology), especially endoscopic surgery, allows for surgical treatment of a wide range of diseases of the ENT organs, and it can be done gently, with minimal tissue damage, less likelihood of many complications, etc.

      What are the symptoms to visit an ENT surgeon?

      Symptoms of ENT organs in case of their surgical pathology are diverse and depend on the characteristics of a particular disease. To summarize, they are manifested by discomfort or pain in the respective organ, impaired basic function, changes in structure and shape, etc. In particular, rhinoplasty and/or septoplasty can help with symptoms such as prolonged impaired nasal breathing, a constant feeling of “stuffy nose,” recurrent sinusitis, nosebleeds, chronic nighttime cough or snoring, facial pain, headaches, dissatisfaction with the shape and size of the nose.

      Is there a guarantee for surgical treatment of ENT organs?

      The warranty for ENT surgery covers the proper performance of services, high-tech diagnostics, treatment, highly qualified specialists, implants and other medical consumables and equipment. The concept of a guarantee for medical services is a meticulous issue. As for the treatment of ENT organs, there is a guarantee in terms of financial and legal issues. As for the medical aspects, the clinic of the Valikhnovsky Institute of Surgery strictly observes all aspects of ethics and bioethics. Any additional guarantees can be discussed individually.

      How to prepare for endoscopic nasal surgery?

      Endoscopic nasal surgery is not quite the correct wording, most likely, we are talking about nasal surgery. The principles of preparing a patient for endoscopic nasal surgery are exactly the same as for classical surgery: preliminary examination, agreeing with the doctor on all the nuances of the tactics, adhering to dietary restrictions, safety rules, etc.

      What are the possible complications after ENT surgery?

      After ENT surgery, typical complications include bleeding and thrombosis, dysfunction of the ENT and adjacent organs, infectious and inflammatory processes, etc. With the endoscopic method of ENT surgery, the likelihood and severity of complications are fundamentally lower than with the classical method.

      What are the contraindications to ENT endoscopy?

      There are no absolute contraindications to such medical intervention as endoscopy of ENT organs. In general, it is worth refraining from it if the risk of its use exceeds the risk of using alternative approaches.

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      Find out the cost of services or get a consultation by filling out the form
